Saturday, 1 August 2015



ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Examine the progress of Profile’s Group as a leading interior designer and decorator.
2. What kind of change was observed in the STP strategy of the firm and how was it useful?
3. Evaluate the working of Profile’s group with respect to the Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning of markets. Do you have any suggestions for the firm?
1.How will you determine the marketing mix for our enterprise?
2.Do you have any ideas to make our enterprise successful particularly by enhancing or improving the marketing mix?
3.What do you think will be the challenges in making an effective marketing mix since our enterprise is a new one?
1) Identify the qualities of Roger as a PR professional and analyse his role in the companies that he worked for.
2) In the above problem situations, was there any other approach that Roger could have adopted? If yes, suggest some approaches. If no, why do you agree with Roger’s approach?
3) List the PR tools and strategies that were adopted by Roger in dealing with the problem situations.

1:- Identify the approach (plus points and negative points) of the two salespersons in the above situations and make a comparative analysis.
2:- In both the situations, were the customers satisfied with how the salespersons handled their queries? Analyze the sales person’s and customer’s interactions in the above situations. 
3:- If you were a salesperson, how would you have handled the above two situations? Do you have any suggestions for Jagan and Tarun?


1.  What marketing strategy should be designed by Mr. Sarin to be able to achieve the targeted 5% market share?
2.  How should Deepa Products (P) Ltd. position Trust Regular and Trust Night to induce customers to buy it? What should be the key benefits of their toothpastes?
 3. Should the company price its products economically, or should it aim for premium pricing?
1.      How important is new product development to Caterpillar?
2.      What sources of new product ideas might a company like caterpillar use?
3.      Evaluate CAT as a brand name.
4.      Evaluate each of the four points of CTC's strategy.
1. How do you explain the present situation faced by the company?
2. Was it a good idea to enter into a three-year contract with the Cooperative Society? Why?  
3. Is it possible to renew the contract with the Cooperative Society? If so, how? Suggest a detailed programme on a crash basis with the budget constraint of Rs. 50, 00, 000.
1.    What decision would you take if you were in place of Mr. Nathan?
2.    Do you feel the proposal of a new sub-office is economically justified against the stated policy of the company? If yes, why? If no, then how could it be made justifiable?


1.         At the time when the market leader for instant noodles was Nestles Maggi,  the main challenger was Top Ramen’s Noodles. Applying the concepts of marketing Management, what would be your strategic plan in order to keep up the top position of Maggi
2.         Discuss the relationship between ‘Segmentation’ and ‘Positioning’. Explain the major criteria of Segmentation and Positioning. Quote sufficient examples to strengthen your answer.
3.         (a)       Describe in detail the stages in the Product Life Cycle
(b)       In this context, explain the challenges that a Marketing Manager has to deal while introducing a new product
4.         What do you understand by Channel of Distribution? Explain the different kinds of Channel of Distribution in detail.
5.         Explain the factors affecting Pricing Decision. What are the various methods of pricing a Product? Briefly explain them. Also, differentiate between Price shadowing and Price Covering.
6.         What are the essential Factors influencing Consumer behavior? Explain its significance in Marketing Management in accordance with the Technology advancements.
7.         Write Short Notes on any four of the following:
(a)       Price Skimming. (b)              Media Selection for Advertising    (c)    Sales Promotion 
(d)       Product Differentiation
8.         A new product is to be launched by a company at Mumbai. As a part of identifying the consumer behavior, the company intends to carry out a research process. Outline a Marketing Research Process for the company in order to establish the requirements of the consumers.
1.         Discuss the main issues narrated in the case in your own style
2.         Carry out a SWOT Analysis.


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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