Saturday, 1 August 2015



ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224


Q1. Explain different roles of a manager
Q2. Distinguish between management and administration. What is an importance of management?
Q3. Which are the skills are required by a manager?
Q4.  a)What are the important features of Bureaucratic administration?
b)State its contributions and limitations
C) Describe its dysfunctional consequences
Q5. Describe the Modern approach to management with its types.
 a) Quantitative approach
b) Systems approach
c) Contingency approach
Q6. What is Social Audit? Explain its benefits and limitations
Q7. a) What is the nature of planning?
b) State the importance of planning
Q8. a) What are the steps involved in planning?
b) How you make planning effective?
9. Define a management
10. Comment on a true nature of management. Is it a science or an art?
11. a)Why Taylor is regarded as the Father of Scientific Management?
b)State the limitations of Scientific Management
12. a)Why Henri Fayol is considered as the father of Administrative management? b) Describe the 14 principles of management as laid down by Fayol.


1. a) What are the steps involved in planning?
b) How you make planning effective?
2. What is the difference between a policy and a procedure?
3. Explain the advantages and limitations of planning.
4. Explain the strategic planning in the Indian industry. Which are the planning skills required for better business.
5. a) Define a decision making?
b) Explain common difficulties in decision-making.
6. a) Decision-making is a key part of a manager’s activities. – Elaborate.
b) What are the steps involved in rational decision-making.
7. a) Explain the individual and group decision-making.
b) Describe advantages and disadvantages of group decisions.
8. a) Draw models of decision-making? b) Explain any two.


Q1)     “Coordination is imperative for the success of any organization.” Explaining the need for coordination suggest the ways to achieve effective coordination in a decentralized private sector manufacturing organization?
Q2)     Describe the interpersonal needs in terms of expressed and wanted behavior. Cite suitable examples to support your views?
Q3)     Why do managers need to acquire different skills at various levels? What are the skills conceptualized by Katz? Explain how they are proving useful for Indian managers at different levels?
Q4)     Discuss various strategies used in implementing organizational change in the context of a large public sector manufacturing organization?
Q5)     Identify major barriers of communication and explain why do they arise. Explain ways to overcome these barriers with suitable examples?
Q6)  Write short notes on any four of the following: (5 marks each )

i)       Delegation and Decentralization
ii)    Line and Staff functions
iii)  Theory X and Y
iv)   Domino Effect
v)     Organizational culture and climate


1. How should Mr. Durant assess the opportunities in various countries around the world?
2. Should Carrefour adopt Wal-Mart's strategy of "low prices everyday"? What would be the advantage or disadvantage of such a strategy?
3. How could Carrefour differentiate itself from Wal-Mart?
4. Identify cultures in selected countries that need to be considered in order to be successful?
1) The reengineering efforts of P&G focused on the business process system. Do you think other processes, such as the human system, or other managerial policies need to be considered in a process redesign?
2) What do you think was the reaction of the brand managers, who may have worked under the old system for many years, when the category management structure was installed?
3) As a consultant, would you have recommended a top-down or a bottom-up approach, or both, to process redesign and organizational change?
4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
1) What is your assessment of Daimler-Benz's operations in many different fields?
2) Should the various groups operate autonomously? What kinds of activities should be centralized?
3) Daimler-Benz is best known for its Mercedes-Benz cars. Why do you think Daimler bought AEG in the first place and why did it venture into the Aerospace and Inter Services businesses?
4) Given the apparent mistakes in acquiring non-automotive businesses, what should Jurgen Schrempp do now?
1) Prepare a profile of the potential buyer of the Lexus.
2) What should Mercedes and BMW do to counteract the Japanese threat in the United States and Europe?
3) Why has the Lexus model been very successful in the U.S. but has not been marketed in Japan?
(Suggestion: Review the frequency of repair records of luxury cars. Also talk to Lexus dealers or Lexus owners).
4) Do you think Lexus will succeed in Japan? Why or why not?


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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