ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224
Production Management
Q.1) Suggest the best decision?
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
1) Analyze the above case and give your comments?
Production Management
1. What are the different types of production/operation system? Where would each one of them be applicable? Give practical examples.
2. What is flexibility in operations function? Can it be one of the strategic weapons? Explain your response.
3. What is the distinction between accounting profit & economic profit? How is such a distinction linked with the concept of opportunity cost?
4. What is the difference between the Scanlon & rucker plans?
5. Productivity improvement is not a one shot project Do you agree with this statement? Discuss
6. Is supply chain management a philosophy? Discuss
7. What is the aim of production planning?
8. What is forecasting? Elements of forecasting & Methods of forecasting?
Production & Operation Management
1. Distinguish Production Management and Operations Management. Outline the scope of POM
2. What is Master production scheduling? Discuss the process of arriving at it in a multi product organization.
3. What is Methods Study and its objectives? Briefly explain the procedure for Methods Study.
4. What is productivity? State the methods for improving productivity.
5. Write short notes on (a) Quality Circles (b) Six Sigma
6. Assume that a company has just committed to change from a traditional style of management to one based on TQM. Explain the importance of employee involvement and empowerment in implementing the TQM.
7. Capacity will be modified in response to demand. Demand will be modified in response to capacity. Which of these two statements is correct? Why?
8. What are the advantages of product layout and process layout? Describe briefly, when to use product layout vs process layout.
Production & Operation Management
1. What product s does the Danish company P r e Ventur e A/S, and how well dos e it do it ?
2. What is t he bus i ne s s model b y Preventers e A/S?
3. La r s Ko l ind i s f amo us a s t he or gan i z a t io na l innov a tor who made a sma l l
Dan i sh hea r i ng- a id comp any int o an indus t r y lead er wi t h sha r e s on a pa r
wi t h Siemens and Sony . Wha t wa s t ha t compa ny , an d wha t i s t he s t or y ?
4. Wh a t ar e t he f iv e pha se s in t he l i fe of a s t a r t - up bu s in es s ?
1. What does the subtitle “ Strengthening the connection while building bridges across Business School Disciplines via Baldrige Quality Aware Criteria” mean?
2. What “body of knowledge” exists, and how P/OM use it to promote improved business performance and strengthened national competitiveness?
3. Dr. Curt Reimann was director of the Baldrige Quality Award for omits inception (1987) until 1995 Dr. Reimann says “ the (Baldrige Award) criteria continue to evolve toward integrated performance managemtn.” Let us this IPM and answer the question, “What constitute IPM?
4. Present director, Dr. Harry says that the Baldrige Award criteria help organizations respond to current challenge: (provide) openness and transparency in governance and ethics, (satisfy) the need to create valve for customers and the business. How can so many good things come out of one award?
1. Why do some managers believe in a “silver bullet” to solve all problems?
2. Why is there a lack of system thinking?
1. Henry Ford changed America and the world with a production process and a business plan that were unlike anything that had ever tried before. What was unique about this production process?
2. With respect to Question1, What was so special about the business plan?
3. Why was there an anti-auto feeling in the United States before Ford’s Model –T was introduced in October 1908?
4. What happened to this “one mode” market?
Production Management
1. A small manufacturer buys a set of steel brackets at Rs. 40 per pair. He does havethe capacity to produce the same at his workshop. However he has to incur a fixed cost of Rs. 30,000 and a variable cost of Rs. 10 per pair of brackets. He has firm orders for 2000 assemblies each requiring a pair of brackets. His selling price is Rs. 16 per pair of brackets. What should he do ? Buy brackets or produce them himself.
2. "Good working conditions lead to higher productivity”. Discuss.
3. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting a "Factory site"
4. Explain the various factors to be cionsidered in rating a vendor.
5. Assume that a company has just committed to change from a traditional style of management to one based on TQM. Explain the importance of employee involvement and empowerment in implementing the TQM.
6. Name of the tasks, task times and required immediate predecessors are given below for a food processing plant:

The Plant has desired output of 7600 units per week. The plant operates for 5 days per week, three shifts per day and eight hours per shift at 90 percent efficiency. Draw the precedence diagram. Calculate the required cycle time, line efficiency and balance delay, for the above operations.
7. Briefly discuss the concepts of JIT in the context of manufacturing systems. What are the most critical things needed to implement JIT? Discuss how JIT reduces costs of material, labour and overheads.
(i) Quality assurance and total quality
(ii) Economic Order Quantity (EQQ)
(iii) Advantage of process layout
(iv) Work measurement techniques
ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224
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