ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224
The Engineering Department to twelve persons in a small corporation is on a regular 10 Base-T Ethernet Lan hub with 16 ports. The busy group started complaining because of the slow network performance. The network was operating at 50% utilization, whereas 30% utilization is acceptable. If you are the corporation’s Information Technology Engineer and have to resolve the problem technically,
a. Describe four choices for resolving the problem, maintaining the LAN as an Ethernet LAN.
a. Describe four choices for resolving the problem, maintaining the LAN as an Ethernet LAN.
b. State the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
1. Two virtual LANs, belonging to NM lab, and belonging to Networking lab, each have three workstations. The former has workstations, and the latter They are connected to a switched hub on ports 2 through 7. the NICs (network interface cards) associated with ports are made by Cabletron and their MAC addresses start with the vendor’s global prefix 00-00-1D (hexadecimal notation) and end with 11,12,13,21,22, and 23 (same as the fourth decimal position of IP addresses).
a. Create a conceptual matrix table, as shown below, that would be
generated by the hub that relates the IP address, MAC address,
and port number.
a. Create a conceptual matrix table, as shown below, that would be
generated by the hub that relates the IP address, MAC address,
and port number.
4. IP Address
5. MAC Address
6. Port Number
b. The workstation 23 is moved from networking lab to NM lab.
The appropriate parameter changes in the hub and the workstation.
3. Design a client/server network with two servers operating at 100Base-T Fast Ethernet speed and the clients operating at regular 10Base-T Ethernet speed using a 10/100 Mbps NIC. The hub is located in a wiring closet, but the servers and clients are not. Assume that a satisfactory performance is achieved at 30% utilization of the LAN.
4. Customer network management is used to look at the QoS classes associated with VCIs across an ATM link interface. What three MIB group and objects are used to collect the information? Describe the relationships among them.
5. A new LEC is added to an ATM LAN containing other LECs, LES, LECS, a BUS, and a ATM switch. Starting from the initial conditions, six steps (or phases) are required to make the new LEC part of the ELAN network: (1) LEC connection, (2) configurations, (3) join, (4) initial registration, (5) BUS connection, and (6) operation. Describe these steps.
6. Switched virtual circuit transmission overhead could be high for sending small amounts of information. Calculate the minimum time required to transmit one ATM cell from Miami to San Francisco on a basic SONET network (OC-3) for the following cases. Assume that the distance is 4500 km and that the propagation speed is 300 meters per microsecond.
a. datagram service
b. switched virtual circuit service
c. permanent virtual circuit service
7. A network manager discovers that a network component is performing poorly and issues on order to the technician to replace it. Which MIB group contains this information for the technician to find out the physical location of the component?
8. An IT manager gets complaints from the users that there is excessive delay in response over the Ethernet LAN. The manager suspects the cause of the problem is excessive collisions on the LAN. She gathers statistics on the collisions using the dot3Stats Table and localizes the problem to a single faulty interface card. Explain how she localized the problem. You may use RFC 2358 to answer this exercise.
9. You have been assigned the responsibility of adding a new vendor’s components with its own NMS to an existing network managed by a different NMS. Identify the three sets of functions that you need to do to fulfill your task.
10. In a ballroom dance class, the instructor asks the guests to form couples made up of a male and a female order (order does not matter) for a dance. Write an ASN.1 module for dance Group with data type Dance Group that is composed of data type couple; couple is constructed using male and female.
11. A high school class consists of four boys and four girls. The names of the boys with their heights are Adam (65”), Chang (63”), Eduardo (72”), and Gopal (62”). The names of the girls are Beth (68”), Dipa (59”), Faye (61”), and Keisha (64”). For each of the following cases, write an ASN.1 description for the structure and record values by selecting appropriate data types. Start with data type Student info, listing information on each student.
12. You are asked to do a study of the use pattern of 24,000 workstations in an academic institution. Make the following assumptions. You ping each station periodically. The message size in both directions is 128 bytes long. The NMS that you using to do the study is on a 10-Mbps LAN, which functions at 30 percent efficiency. What would be the frequency of your ping if you were not to exceed 5 percent overhead?
13. Imagine that you are working for a company (maybe you are) that has decided to move from an SNMP-based to a Web-based management system. You are asked to prepare an executive summary on the two approaches, WBEM and JMX, and make a recommendation. Present your report, which is not to exceed two pages (executives don’t have the time or patience to read longer reports).
Network Management
1. (i) List the five key differences between TCP reference model and OSI reference model. (2)
2) Write the similarities and differences between packet and cell switching. (2)
3) Why is the data link layer in a LAN subdivided into Logical Link Control (LLC) and Medium Access Control (MAC) sub-layers ? (2)
4) List the characteristics of broadband coaxial cable. (2)
5) Differentiate between virtual circuit and datagram’s. (2)
6) The maximum payload of TCP segment is 62 1/2,2 1/212 1/2 bytes. Why ? (3)
7) What are sliding window protocols ? Explain one-bit sliding window protocol with an appropriate diagram. (2)
2. (i) Name all the basic network topologies and describe advantages of each. Draw proper diagram tor each topology. (2)
(ii) Explain the following terms : (2)
a) Bandwidth
b) Channel capacity
c) Multiplexing
d) Quality of Service (QoS)
e) Full-Duplex Transmission
(iii) What is the basic purpose of MAC layer protocol ? Explain the function of following MAC layer protocols :
(a) Ethernet
(b) Token bus (2)
3. (i) Describe the characteristics and application or the following network devices : (6)
(a) Routers
(b) Bridges
(c) Switches
(iii) Answer the following : (4)
(a) Explain ISDN BRI Services.
(b) Differentiate between broadband and baseboard services.
(c) Describe the following three fields of TCP header :
(d) Sequence number
4. (i) What is congestion control ? How does it occur ? (2)
(ii) How does TCP handle connection establishment and crash recovery ? (2)
(iii) List and explain any five ISDN applications. (2)
5. (i) Describe and compare the following routing algorithms : (4)
(a) Shortest path routing
(b) Flooding
(ii) How does ATM differ from frame relay ? List and briefly define the ATM service classes. (6)
Section B
1. (a) Write any two differences between OSI and TCP/IP protocol suit. Also give reasons why OSI is not popular. (3)
(b) Why is layering of the protocols done in TCP/IP stack ? (3)
(c) Explain any two functions of each layer of TCP/IP protocol stack. (2)
(d) How many address bits does the latest version of IP (IPv6) have ? What is the maximum number of IP addresses possible with IPv6 ? (3)
(e) Identify the header of each flag and explain its meaning : (4)
(i) URG
(ii) ACK
(iii) FIN (iv) RST
(f) How is flow control managed by Sliding Window protocol ? (3)
2. (a) What is Ethernet ? How does it work ? Also explain the fields of Ethernet Frame Format. (4)
(b) What is First-Octet Rule ? Give an example to explain it. (3)
3. (a) What is the significance of hierarchical naming scheme ? Differentiate among following addresses and their meaning with reference of DNS : (5)
(i) www.isbm.edu (ii) www.isbm.ac.in
1) Describe four choices for resolving the problem maintaining the lan as Ethernet Lan.
2) State the advantages of each approach.
3) State the disadvantages of each approach.
4) Give reasoning about the choice you would prefer.
1) Calculate the bandwidth used in both cases.
2) How do you differentiate between both the cases?
1) What are the two modes of MAC types that the WTP could be configured in?
2) Assume that you have a WIFI AP, how is it configured?
3) Write the SNMP query to use to validate your answer in (2)
4) What is your general understanding about the above.
1) Trouble Ticket 100: Customer says that when he receives messages, the message is periodically missing some characters.
2) Trouble Ticket 101: Customer in Atlanta complaints that when she tried to lag into the system server, headquarters.com in New York, she gets disconnected with a time out. However, her colleague in her New York office reports that he is able to access the system
Networking Management
Q1. Explain any five layer name & its silent services? (10 marks)
Q2. Define: WAN? (10 marks)
Q3. What are CPE networks? (10 marks)
Q4. What are your top challenging activities in managing the network? (10 marks)
Q5. Why we need NMS? (10 marks)
Q6. What problems would you expect the NMS to resolve, and how? (10 marks)
Q7. What is Ethernet? (10 marks)
Q8. Define: switched Ethernet? (10 marks)
Q1. What are Macros? (10 marks)
Q2. Discuss Internet organizations & standards? (10 marks)
Q3. Explain specification of SNMP protocol? (10 marks)
Q4. Describe SNMP operations? (10 marks)
Q5. Functional model of SNMP MIB Group? (10 marks)
Q6. Discuss major changes in SNMPv2? (10 marks)
Q7. SNMPv2 system architecture? (10 marks)
Q8. Explain SNMPv2 management information Base? (10 marks)
ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224
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