Thursday, 30 July 2015

Audit Management. 9901366442.docx


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Audit Mgmt

  1. What is audit programme? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of conducting an audit according to a predetermined audit programme. How can these disadvantages be overcome?
  2. What is routine checking? What types of work are included in routine checking? What are the objectives of routine checking? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of routine checking. Discuss the duties of an auditor in this regard.
  3. Is it absolutely necessary that depreciation should be provided for before profits are distributed as dividend? What are the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 regarding the quantum of depreciation to be provided for in the annual accounts?
  4. An enterprise purchases an item of machinery on 1.4.2002 for Rs. 1,00,000. It depreciates this item at the rate of 10 % per annum on straight-line basis. On 1.4.2005, the enterprise decides to change the method of depreciation from straight-line to written down value. The applicable rate under the new method is 15 %. How should the enterprise give effect to this change in the method of depreciation?
  5. State the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 regarding the declaration and payment of dividend.
  6. State the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 regarding declaration and payment of Interim dividend. What would be the duty of an auditor in connection with such dividend?
  7. What are the different purposes of investigation? Distinguish between investigation and audit.
  8. Mention the circumstances under which an investigation of a company can be ordered by the central government? What should be the procedure of investigation in such case?
  9. A fraud is suspected in a business house and you are asked to carry out an investigation. Explain briefly how you would proceed in this matter.


Q1) Focus of the auditor is no longer on the routine audit but rendering value added services like cost efficiency and decision making. Critically examine the statement with particular emphasis on the changing computer environment?
Q2) How can the auditor be useful in achieving the objectives of a Charitable Trust or Society and a Co-operative Society? What is the legal position under the relevant status?
Q3) It is the job of the directors to prepare the accounts of a company, auditor only reports on it. Elucidate and describe the types of audit report?
Q4) The thrust area of an auditor is “True and Fair” and not “True and Correct” Elucidate in the light of statutory provisions under the Companies Act 1956.
Q5) Discuss the three types of audits, which although not mandatory under the Income Tax Act 1961, are get done by the assessee to avail certain benefits under the act?
Q6) Examine the changes brought about in the role of an auditor with the growth of information
technology and rapidly changing computer environment?
Q7) The auditor only audits the books of account, he does not guarantee them. Elucidate.
Q8) Tax auditor is a Catalyst of Revenue Collection, function of the State on the one hand, and a Consultant to the tax payer on the other, discuss?
Q9) Who can be appointed as an auditor of co-operative societies? What are the rights and duties of auditor under Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act?
Q10) An auditor is protected from unceremonial removal from office enabling him to maintain his independence? Do you agree with the statement? If so discuss the position of the auditor in this regard in the light of statutory provisions under the Companies Act 1956?


Q1) H.W.P. Private Ltd. Is having only two members H and W. During the audit of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2000, you as a auditor find that :
a) H, who is in charge of purchases has introduced fictitious purchase bills of Rs 50 lakhs.
b) W, who is in charge of sales has sold goods worth Rs 1 crore without bringing the same in the books of accounts. You raise the matter with H and W in their capacity as directors. They contest that as this is a position known to them and within their own fold, you should not report the same under the Company's Act 1956. Discuss whether the above arguments are acceptable under the Company's Act 1956 for non-reporting?
Q2) As an auditor, how would you react to the following situation? The company produced photocopies of fixed deposit receipts as the original receipts were kept in the iron safe of the director finance who was presently out of the country on company business?
Q3) ABC Private Limited is engaged in the wholesale business of buying and selling silk sarees. The accounts are maintained under the Companies Act from 1st October to 30th September each year. The Chief Accountant of the company is requesting the tax auditor to conduct tax audit U/S 44 AB of the I. T. Act for the period for which accounts have been maintained under the Company's Act. As the tax auditor of ABC Private Limited, how will you react to the Chief Accountant request?
Q4) Comment : The Auditor is responsible for failure to disclose the affairs of the company kept out of books and concealed from him.
Q5) Comment : Balance confirmations from debtors/creditors can only be obtained for balances standing in their accounts at the year end?
Q6) Give your comments and observations on the following many cheques have been received by the auditor on the last day of the year, but not yet deposited with the bank?

ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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