Thursday, 30 July 2015

Business Ethics. 9902787224.docx


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. Analyze the ethics of marketing Publius using utilitarianism, rights, justice, and caring. In your judgement, is it ethical to market Publius? Explain
2. Are the creators of Publius in any way morally responsible for any criminal acts that criminals are able to carry out and keep secret by relying on Publius? Is AT &T in anyway morally responsible for these? Explain your answers.
3. In your judgment, should governments allow the implementation of Publius? Why or why not?
1.In your judgment, is it wrong, from an ethical point of view, for the auto companies to submit plans for an automobile to China? Explain your answer?
2. Of the various approaches to environmental ethical issues raised by this case? Explain your answer.
3. Should the U.S. government intervene in any way in the negotiations between U.S. auto companies and the Chinese government? Explain.

1. In your judgment, do the managers of the Robert Hall store have any ethical obligations to change their salary policies? If you do not think they should change, then explain why they have an obligation to change and describe the kinds of changes they should make. Would it make any difference to your analysis if, instead of two departments in the same store, it involved two different Robert Hall Stores, one for men and one for women? Would it make a difference if two stores (one for men and one for women) owned by different companies were involved? Explain each of your answers in terms of the relevant ethical principles upon which you are relying.
2. Suppose that there were very few males applying for clerks’ jobs in Wilmington while females were flooding the clerking job market. Would this competitive factor justify paying males more than females? Why? Suppose that 95 percent of the women in Wilmington who were applying for clerks’ jobs were single women with children who were on welfare while 95 percent of the men were single with no families to support. Would this need factor justify paying females more than males? Why? Suppose for the sake of argument that men were better at selling than women, would this justify different salaries?
3. If you think the managers of the Robert Hall store should pay their male and female clerks equal wages because they do “substantially the same work” then do you also think that ideally each worker’s salary should be pegged to the work he or she individually performs (such as by having each worker sell on commission)? Why? Would a commission system be preferable from a utilitarian point of view considering the substantial book keeping expenses it would involve? From the point of view of justice? What does the phrase substantially the same mean to you?
1) What are the legal issues involved in this case, and what are the moral issues? How are the two different kinds of issues different from each other, and how are they related to each other? Identify and distinguish the “systemic, corporate and individual issues” involved in this case.
2) In your judgment, was it morally wrong for Shawn Fanning to develop and release his technology to the world given its possible consequences? Was it morally wrong for an individual to use Napster’s website and software to copy for free the copy righted music on another person’s hard drive? If you believe it was wrong, then explain exactly why it was wrong. If you believe it was not morally wrong, then how would you defend your views against the claim that such copying is stealing? Assume that it was not Illegal for an individual to copy music using Napster. Would there be anything immoral with doing so? Explain?
3. Assume that it is morally wrong for a person to use Napster’s website and software to make a copy of copyrighted music. Who, then, world be morally responsible for this person’s wrong doing? Would only the person himself be morally responsible? Was Napster, the company, morally responsible?
Wash shawn Fanning morally responsible? Was any employee of Napster, the company, morally responsible? Was the operator of the server or that portion of the Internet that the person used morally responsible? What if the person did not know that the music was copyrighted or did not think that it was illegal to copy copyrighted music?
4. Do the music companies share any of the moral responsibility for what has happened? How do you think technology like Napster is likely to change the music industry? In you judgment, are these changes ethically good or ethically bad?


CASE -1 (20 Marks)
1. Was the suspension fair?
2. Did Joan act responsibly?
3. Should she be fired?
CASE-2 (20 Marks)
1) Should you tell your customers?
2) Should you discount the price?
3) Should you tell your employees, so they will be knowledgeable with the customers?
4) Would you use this cement on foundations for your own house?
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CASE-3 (20 Marks)
1) Should Fred be reinstated?
2) Was the company fair to Fred in helping him receive treatment?
3) Did the personnel director behave ethically toward Fred?
4) Did he act ethically for his company?
5) Would it be fair to other employees to reinstate Fred?
CASE-4 (20 Marks)
1) The question is, who is responsible?
2) Against whom should criminal charges be leveled?
3) What should be done, if anything, to punish the corporation itself?
4) What about the CEO?


1.} Define business ethics. Why do we need to study business ethics?
2.} Define morality. Discuss some characteristics of morality?
3.} Briefly discuss utilitarianism. Discuss the problems of measurement.
4.} Make a presentation about two male and two female corporate executives that you admire?
5.} Define ecological ethics. Distinguish between private and social costs?
6.} Discuss the types of job discrimination. How can we determine job discrimination?
7.} What is affirmative action? Discuss some of the major arguments for and against affirmative action.
8.} Discuss why values are important for an organization. Discuss the importance of trans-cultural values. Find out some cultural/business values of different countries.
9.} Discuss the characteristics of high-performing teams.
10.} Write a few paragraphs about an Indian organization that you admire. What are its values?


1.         Explain, in light of their theories, what Locke, Smith, Ricardo, and Marx would probably say about the events in this case.
2.         Explain which view of property-Locke’s or Marx’s- lies behind the positions of the drug companies GlaxoSmithKline and Bristol-Myers Squibb and of the Indian companies such as Cipla. Which of the two group-GlaxoSmithKline and Bristol-Myers Squibb on the one hand, and the Indian companies on the other –do you think holds the correct view of property in this case? Explain your answer.
1.         Identify the behaviors that you think are ethically questionable in the history of Microsoft. Evaluate the ethics of these behaviors.
2.         What characteristics of the market for operating systems do you think created the monopoly market that Microsoft’s operating system enjoyed? Evaluate this market in terms of utilitarianism, rights, and justice (your analysis should make use of the textbook’s discussion of the effects of monopoly markets on the utility of participants in the market, on the moral rights of participants in the market, and on the distribution of benefits and burdens among participants in the market), giving explicit examples from the operating systems industry to illustrate your points.
3.         In your view, should the government have sued Microsoft for violation of the antitrust laws? In your view, was Judge Jackson’s order that Microsoft be broken into two companies fair to Microsoft? Was Judge Kollar-Kotelly’s November 1, 2004 decision fair? Was the April 2004 decision of the European Commission fair to Microsoft? Explain your answers.
4.         Who, if anyone, is harmed by the kind of market that Microsoft’s operating system has enjoyed? Explain your answer. What kind of public policies, if any, should we have to deal with industries like the operating system industry?
1.         What are the systemic, corporate, and individual issues raised in this case?
2.         How should wildlife species like grouse or deer be valued, and how should that value be balanced against the economic interests of the of company like Questar?
3.         In light of the U.S. economy’s dependence on oil, and in light of the environmental impact of Questar drilling operation, is Questar morally obligated to cease its drilling operation on the Pinedale Mesa? Explain
4.         What, if anything, should Questar be doing differently?
5.         In your view, have the environmental interest groups identified in the case behaved ethically?
1.         In your judgment, did Becton Dickinson have an obligation to provide the safety syringe in all its sizes in 1991? Explain your position, using the materials from this chapter and the principles of utilitarianism, rights, justice, and caring.
2.         Should manufacturers be held liable for failing to market all the products for which they hold exclusive patents when someone’s injury would have been avoided if they had marketed those products? Explain your answer.
3.         In your judgment, who was morally responsible for Maryann Rockwood’s accidental needlestick: Maryann Rockwood? The clinic that employed her? The government agencies that merely issued guidelines? Becton Dickinson?
4.         Evaluate the ethics of Becton Dickinson’s use of the GPO system in the late 1990s. Are the GPO’s monopolies? Are they ethical? Explain.


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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