Friday, 31 July 2015

KSBM - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. 9902787224. 9901366442doc.docx


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. “HR are functions are inter-related to each other” do you agree or disagree. Explain the reason for your answer.
2. Being an HR manager what suggestions you would give to the organization for making better image in the market.
3. What do you know job security and why job security is important in the organization?
4. Shabaz was continuously on leave few days ago, when he ask to explain the reason of leave he said that he was on leave because of illness but when he ask for a prove he fail to present the medical report. What do you think his application for leave should be approved or not? Justify your answer?
5. Do you agree that employees who pass the socialization are more beneficial and productive then who didn’t know it?
6. Discuss the role of tactical operational & Strategic managers with the help of hierarchical diagram?
7. How would you differentiate between extinction and punishment?
8. Have you ever observed; organizations try to get employees from the competing firms who have complete knowledge about the procedures and operations, with an intention to beat the competitor? Quote one real life example. In your opinion, is it ethically right to do so or not?
9. Mention any three reasons of failure of international assignments and also give its remedies
10. Do you agree “Rules and policies are to protect the rights of employees only? Discuss


1.      Do you think that it is easier to tie human resources to the strategic management process in large or in small organizations? Why?

2.     Three popular interventions for enhancing worker satisfaction are job enrichment, job rotation, and role analysis. What are the critical differences between these interventions, and under what conditions might one be preferable to the others?

3.     Explain Collective Bargaining and Labor relation?

4.     How might the ADA’s reasonable accommodation requirement affect workers such as law enforcement officers and fire fighters?

5.      The reasonable woman standard recognizes that women have different ideas of what constitutes appropriate behavior than men have. What are the implications of this distinction? Do you think it is a good or bad idea to make this distinction?

6.     Why have the roles and activities of the HR function changed over the past 20 to 30

years?  What has been driving this change?  How effectively do you think HR has responded?

7.      Some argue that outsourcing an activity is bad because the activity is no longer a means of distinguishing the firm from competitors. (All competitors can buy the same service from the same provider, so it cannot be a source of competitive advantage.) Is this true? If so, why would a firm outsource any activity?

8.     Distinguish between concurrent and predictive validation designs, discussing why the latter is to be preferred over the former. Examine each of the nine selection methods discussed in this chapter, and determine which of these would have validity most and least affected by the type of validation design employed.

Human Resource Management

1. What symptom(s) exist in this case to suggest that something has gone wrong?
2. What are the root causes that have led to these symptoms?
3. What actions should the organisation take to correct these problems?
4. Do you think that the Bangalore-based company had practised participative  management?
5. If your answer is yes, with what method of participation (you have read in this chapter) do you  
    relate the above case?
6. If you were the union leader, would your behaviour have been different? If yes, what would it  
7. If you were in the management, would your attitude have been different? If yes, what would I be?
1. In the case of the Indane Biscuits, bring out the importance of ‘context’ and ‘credibility’ in
2. List the direct and indirect causes for the escalation of tension at Indane Biscuits
3. If you were the Personnel Manager what would you do
1.  Which theory of motivation do you use to motivate the bus crew? Why?

2.      If you were the conductor what would you do?

3.  If you were the lady with the pet dog, what would you do?

4.   Role play(a) the conversation between the conductor and the lady with sealskin, (b) between
     policeman and the fellow passengers, and (c) between the conductor and the driver.
1. Does the company have an orientation programme? If yes, how effective is it?
2. If you were Naik what would have you done?


1. Employee referral is the best approach to recruitment .What is your view?
2. Why has "fun at work" been profitable at Hitech?
1.    Explain why the revised performance appraisal system at Wellstar Hospital is more efficient?

2.   Do you think the performance appraisal system at Wellstar is aligned with its corporate profile and appropriate for all levels of employees?

3.   Considering accreditation requirements which focus on employee development and education, what are your suggestions for changes in the performance appraisal format?

4.   How far do you agree with the management that performance appraisal should be discontinued?

5.   If you were the HR manager, how would you tackle the situation?

6.   What modifications would you suggest in the performance appraisal system of the company

1.    From the discussion of job analysis information and job design, what actions would you recommend to HR department?

2.   Given the problems associated with the second shift, what differences would you look for between first shift and second shift workers?

3.   Since the Canadian workers had considerable experience with the equipment but the workers particularly in second shelf in Brazil had very little experience, what implications do you see for the job design?

1.    What would you do if you were Mr. Khaitan?

2.   How do you think the company got into a situation like this in the first place?

Human Resource Management

1. Define and differentiate between Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Evaluation. Select an appropriate job evaluation method and create a plan for evaluating jobs of scientists in different grades.
2. Discuss the role of indoctrination in organizations. How can Performance Appraisal, and Training and Development be made an integral part of Human Resource Planning? Discuss.
3. Discuss the scope of Human Resource Audit. While auditing Reward systems for employees in a manufacturing organization, which factors should be taken into account and why? Explain with suitable examples.
4. Define and discuss the need for Human Resource Planning in an organization. Briefly discuss various approaches to HRP
5. Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Training methods
(b) Value determinants of HRP
(c) Human Resource accounting
(d) Labour Market Behavior
(e) Promotion and Reward Policies
1. Define and discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning at organizational level. How does it help in determining and evaluating future organizational capabilities, needs and anticipated problems? Explain with suitable examples.
2. Define and describe Job Analysis. Briefly discuss several methods in which information about a job is collected and evaluated.
3. What is the purpose and process of recruitment function? Discuss various methods of sourcing manpower.
4. How is monetary value assigned to different dimensions of Human Resources costs, investments, and worth of the employees? Briefly explain Cost and Economic value approaches of measurement.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) MBO
(b) Succession Planning
(c) Competency Mapping
(d) Job Evaluation
(e) H.R. Inventory
(a) Was the management justified in taking a decision to recruit a qualified and experienced person from outside as Deputy Chief Quality Controller?
(b) Was it in the interest of the organization to transfer Ratnam to the new auto-wheeler plant and promote Kapil Kumar? What could have prompted the management to take this decision?
(c) How do you view the role of O.A.s in supporting only the local and internal candidates and overlooking the interests of direct recruits even when they were family members of the Association, particularly at a time, when the industry needed professionally qualified persons to fill key technical posts?
(d) How would you react to the management's scheme for quarter allotment and why?
(i) Identify the issues related to manpower planning as evident in the case.
(ii) Discuss the strategies to tackle the percentage of internal promotion at the organizational level.
(iii)What type of additional training programmers’ should be imparted for direct entrants?
(iv) Suppose you are the head of the personnel division. What would be your suggestions in the meeting - Which has been called by the General Manager?


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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