Friday, 31 July 2015

INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT. 9902787224. doc.docx


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224


1. What is the experience of China about Trade Union in the above mentioned case?
2. How Trade Union resolved the dispute? By confrontation or by negotiations?
3. What is the general impression about the Trade Union movement with reference to this case?
4. Give your comments and opinion
1. Give the brief history of the above mentioned case study
2. What was the problem? How it was resolved?
3. What was the effect of solution on the unit’s mechanism?
4. What is the message ?
1. What do you know about changing role of Trade Union activities?
2. What is the role of responsible Trade Unionism?
3. Is Privatization a challenge for Union activities?
4. What is the lesson learnt from the IT sector?

Industrial Safety Management

1.       Write a short note on decontamination methods.

2.      Discuss about Employee/Management.

3.      Write methodology of In-depth Investigation

4.      Explain investigation procedures of the door safety swings

5.      Why do accidents occur?

6.      List out key safety measures for power tools.

7.      Explain about job safety analysis.

8.     Give overview of the employer’s safety programme.

9.      What is assessment of the hazards

10. What is a chemical hazard


1. Why training of employees is essential? Also discuss the different instructional methods of training?
2. What is product layout? Give its advantages and disadvantages over process layout.
3. Discuss the main functions, duties and responsibilities of a personnel manager in a modern industrial organization.
4. Planning is the basic function of Management. Describe briefly the steps involved in a Planning Process.
5. Describe the process of Management.
6. Discuss in detail the various factors that influence the place selection for industrial location.
7. Define Productivity. How to increase productivity of resources in an organization?
8. Write Note:- (Any two)
a) What is cost control?
b) Define break even point.
c) Write a note on major cost elements


1. What are the predominant causes of industrial disputes in India? Give suitable examples in support of your answer.
2. Outline the method of computation of bonus as given in the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. Explain with examples.
3. Discuss the rights and liabilities of a registered trade union.
4. What are the important provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
5. Highlight the provision relating to layout and retrenchment as given as in the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
6. Explain salient feature of Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
7. Highlight important provisions relating to health and safety of the workers as given in the Factories Act, 1948.
8. What are the duties and the powers of the Conciliation officers as given in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
9. Critically examine the role and relevance of trade union in India in the era of Globalization, liberalization and privatization.
10. Highlight the benefits of worker’s participation in Management, with suitable illustrations.


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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